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  • [es-pree de less-ka/-iay] (idiom) A witty remark that occurs to you too late, literally on the way down the stairs. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."


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May 31, 2008


[Excuse me a moment while I stop drooling... Ok.] I used to live across the street from the Park of Roses and I was there, like, CONSTANTLY. Yummy pie + nice day + Park of Roses sounds perfect to me.

Oh! And also perfect on a nice day? Listening to your mix while strolling around Boston. Thank you!!

I love your pie research. Would you go to Texas Hill Country with me so we can taste and test peach and pecan pie?

No really. I recently turned down the opportunity to taste fried pecan pie.

You're doing it to me again, Claire.

I'm going to have to make a point to never read your blog except when I have pie in the house or I'm at a good diner with wireless and a blueberry pie fresh out of the oven right there on the counter.

I thought you would appreciate this juicy morsel of pastry fabulousness:

Tartine won a Beard award this year!

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